LML June is a wrap and victory goes to 8/5 flying swords at the hands of the elder statesman! This month, Jim Cloned and Doppelganged his way to a top finish with a wild brew that used copy effects to morph creatures from duplicates of Clockwork Beasts into replicas of Dancing Scimitars, carrying over the +7/+0 counters from the former incarnation to the latter and thereby creating airborne artifact behemoths that could only be destroyed by one of numerous removal spells in the format that apparently not enough of his opponents had. Nicely played!
Due to vacation and general busyness I opted out of league play for the month, but was happy to watch from the sidelines as six wonderfully jank-ish Old School decks battled it out. From Millstone to Rukh Egg, Yawgmoth Demon to Segovian Leviathan, LML June had it all. Behold this month’s gauntlet in all its glory!
old_school_unlimited’s Dancing Beasts (9 points) |
whiskeyjack_jg’s Natural Disasters (6 points) |
khade’s “Rukh Out!” (6 points) |
deegs_esq’s Millstone Dreams (3 points) |
jimmyc018’s Phantasmal Landwalk (1 point) |
seodfac’s Demon to the Face (1 point) |
mattfs5’s whisky tasting in Edinburgh, Scotland (1,000 points) |
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