We’re back, baby!
After taking a much-needed break to catch up on adulting and kick off the new school year, LML returned for the month of September with Jason edging out Paul to take the crown with his black/red “Forty Thieves”! Love the deck photo and flavor of this build and great to see this mix of mostly-casual cards perform so well within the meta. Well done, Jason, and congrats on your first LML trophy! (We’ve actually had six different winners across the seven months we’ve run the league this year, which is amazing.)
This month, I tried a red/green deck that operated on the premise of turning walls into life with life Chisel, and life into cards with Sylvan Library. My only real wincons were a trio of Rukh Egg (recyclable with Feldon’s Cane) and a couple X spells, and though it isn’t reflected much in the standings, the plan actually did work fairly well, only really faltering when I failed to draw any of my four Sylvans. I very much enjoy building decks around engines, and this one didn’t disappoint.
LML October’s theme will (of course) be Halloween, so definitely expect some awesomely flavorful brews in the weeks ahead!
whiskyjack_jg’s Forty Thieves (9 points) |
deegs_esq’s Hecatomb (9 points) |
khade’s ‘h’ deck (3 points) |
seodfac’s The Gambling Bodyguard (3 points) |
mattfs5’s R/G Chisel the Wall (3 points) |
old_school_unlimited’s poison TRON (3 points) |
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