LML July has proven that if you run enchantments long enough, eventually non-enchantment cards will carry you to victory. Kidding, of course—congrats to Adam on a hell-fiery finish this month at the hands of his terrifying concoction, “Underworld Nightmares”! This was a fun deck to play against, and even though he bested my Scaled Pits of Sardia three games out of three, I still felt like there were outs I could’ve drawn to steal a duel or two had the cards fallen a bit differently. July was also the first month I was able to match up against Jason since March, and Greg since our inaugural LML match way back in February. Really appreciate you non-local guys continuing to participate on the regular, it’s such a great way to keep in touch. Even with only a four-deck gauntlet, July was a resounding success!
seodfac’s Underworld Nightmares (9 points) |
whiskeyjack_jg’s Concordant Fliers (6 points) |
mattfs5’s Scaled Pits of Sardia (3 points) |
khade’s Relics of Titania (0 points) |
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